2024 Festival Coming In September

2024 Anniversary Film - 2004 Crown Heights

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$72 full package

$12 in advance; $13 at the door if not at capacity

Fun Fact: All the films being shown in the theater this year are in English!

Sept 8th 5PM Marquee /7PM at JCC of LBI * Musical Comedy * English 

At 20, Viv was a promising young singer. At 30, her failing music career has forced her back into her mother's basement. But when this self proclaimed Bad Jew lands ass-backwards into a job as a Cantor at her family's synagogue, she’s thrown into a wild ride of illicit affairs, drug trips, tense family drama, self discovery and some serious Jewish bops.

Xueta Island virtual Sept 9-12 * Documentary *English, Catalan, Spanish with subtitles

Xueta Island explores the fascinating legacy of the Xuetas (pronounced Chuetas): a unique group of families on the Balearic island of Majorca who are believed to be descendants of the island’s Inquisition-era Jewish population. Though they were practicing Catholics, the Xuetas were discriminated against up until the middle of the 20th century, always forced to marry within their subgroup population. Our story follows Dani Rotstein, a Jewish-American expat who moved to the island recently & quickly became fascinated with the story. Rotstein currently works as a social activist & filmmaker on the island, where he uses discoveries from his ongoing investigation to help rebuild community.

Sept 15th 5PM *  Drama *  English 

THE BOY IN THE WOODS follows the true story of Max (Jett Klyne), a Jewish boy escaping Nazi persecution in Eastern Europe. After he is separated from his family, Max finds refuge with a Christian peasant Jasko (Richard Armitage) who hides him in plain site until a tense stand - off with Nazi police. Afraid for his own family's life, Jasko sends Max to live in the woods where he learns to survive alone.

The Monkey House virtual Sept 16-19 Hebrew, Italian, with English subtitles

Novelist Amitai Kariv’s career started with a bang: his first four novels were award-winning best sellers. But his next two novels were received less enthusiastically and the following two novels - with a definite measure of derision. He puts out an ad seeking an assistant, interviews many qualified applicants but curiously settles on Margo May – a shapely fast talking young woman whose single distinction is the sheer amount of lies and falsehoods he discovers in her resume.

Sept 22nd 12PM  *  Documentary * English 

Sharon Hammerman will speak about her experience with getting a Stoplersteine and what it meant to her following the film.

The story of hidden children, murdered parents, and the stones that bring healing. Gunter Demnig's Stolpersteine project provides a path from one of the most egregious wrongs of history, the Nazi reign of terror, to individual and community reconciliation.

Back-to-back 2 day virtual mini-shorts festival Sept 25/26 5-7PM  

Facilitated discussions with the creative teams. In partnership with A Wider Bridge.

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Sept 29th 5PM Marquee / 7PM at JCC of LBI * Comedy * English 

ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT. To save the synagogue of the once largest Jewish community in the world from being shut down, Ben, an ultra-Orthodox Brooklyn Jew visiting Jerusalem, is sent out to be the desperately needed tenth man for the ceremonies of Pesach. Having missed his plane and been kicked off the bus in the Sinai Desert, his last hope is Adel, a grumpy Bedouin looking for his camel. When their car breaks down, it becomes a matter of their very survival. Although rescued by the monks of St. Catherine, Ben is too sick to go on. It is the Bedouin disguised as Ben who is now rushing on towards Alexandria to save the Jewish community